Tag: Automation

29 Nov 2017


Welcome to SteelCloud’s short introduction to automated STIG & CIS remediation using our patented remediation tool – ConfigOS. ConfigOS is not a simple scanner that tells what you’ve done wrong (such as Nessus, SCAP, Retina et al), but rather a complete remediation solution that changes everything about how you harden systems around applications and stay in compliance. ConfigOS can remediate individual Windows or Linux endpoints in less than 90 seconds with a capacity of 1,000 to 3,000 endpoint remediations per hour for each instance of ConfigOS. ConfigOS is currently implemented in classified and unclassified environments, tactical programs, disconnected labs, and the AWS commercial cloud

ConfigOS is client-less technology, requiring no software agents. ConfigOS scans endpoint systems and remediates hundreds of STIG controls in under in under 90 seconds.

Automated remediation rollback as well as comprehensive compliance reporting and STIG Viewer XCCDF output are provided. ConfigOS was designed to harden every CAT 1/2/3 STIG control around an application baseline in 60 minutes – typically eliminating weeks or months from the RMF accreditation timeline. ConfigOS automates the incorporation of documented policy waivers to ensure flawless automated STIG remediation and compliance reporting. In addition to Linux (RHEL, Ubuntu, SUSE, Oracle, CentOS) and Microsoft Windows workstation and server operating systems, ConfigOS also addresses other Windows applications such as SQL, IIS, IE, Chrome, and all of the Microsoft Office components including Office 2016. SteelCloud publishes and supports over 10,000 STIG and CIS controls across these platforms. To receive more information on ConfigOS, please contact SteelCloud at info@steelcloud.com. Additional video demonstrations of ConfigOS are available on You Tube.